Summary of Hypothesis of the Back-bone-disease-model

As a result of a 10 year study of more than 3300 school children aged 5-19, a model has been developed where calcium intake is important to ensure normal function of the muscles. The calcium intake and its free uptake from the bowel is important to prevent growing pains. Long lasting calcium depletion seems to relax muscles, and thereby slacken the periarticular fibres to a hypermobility, leading to malposition of strain joints. Simple hypermobility can produce a hunchback. In the back-bones the facet joints tend to lock, when they are hypermobile and overstretched. One locked intervertebral level seems to promote locking of the next level, and thereby the facetjoints zip up and down. Bad back-bone formation seem to be normalised with a slight increase in the daily calcium intake. In resistent cases the Vitamin-D intake has to be raised too.

Helga Wolf © June 2009